Losing a tooth can be a traumatic experience, affecting your appearance, confidence, and quality of life. Missing teeth can lead to difficulty speaking and eating jawbone deterioration, and even the loss of surrounding teeth. When we lose teeth, we lose maximum bone within the first six months, making us look aged. Fortunately, a solution can restore your smile and confidence: dental implants.

What are dental implants?

Dental Implants are the next best thing to natural teeth, allowing you to protect the remaining bone. They replace damaged and missing teeth and prevent further bone loss. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that provide a permanent base for fixed or removable replacement teeth. They are made of a biocompatible material, usually titanium, that is surgically placed into the jawbone. Over time, the implant fuses with the jawbone, creating a solid foundation for the artificial tooth. The artificial tooth, or crown, is then attached to the implant, giving you a new, fully functional tooth.

Dental implants are a safe, reliable, and long-lasting solution to missing teeth. They provide a permanent base for teeth replacement and restore your confidence and quality of life. If you’re missing one or multiple teeth, consider dental implants as a solution. Consult your dentist to determine if dental implants are the right choice.

The time process of dental implants is one of our most frequently asked questions. The entire process is approximately five to eight months, including the consultation and depending on the availability of our dentists. However, surgically inserting the implant will take about 30 to 60 minutes for one implant and only 2 to 3 hours for multiple implants. The number of appointments and times required varies from patient to patient.

How dental implant surgery looks?

The surgeon makes a small incision in the gum tissue to reveal the bone, creates space using special instruments, and gently inserts the titanium implant. The top of this implant is often visible through the gum. Sometimes it is better to have the implant covered by the gum tissue in the early stages of healing. The length of healing time varies from person to person, depending upon the quality and quantity of bone.

In some cases, implants may be restored immediately after they are placed. The dentist will advise you on follow-up care and timing. After the initial healing phase, the surgeon places an abutment (support post) or a healing cap onto the dental implant during a brief follow-up visit. This allows gum tissue to mature and provides access to the implant.

Occasionally, impressions are made at the time the implant is placed. This enables the crown to be ready when the implants have healed. How long your mouth needs to heal is determined by various factors. Follow-up care (one to four appointments) is usually required to ensure that your mouth is healing well and to determine when you are ready for the restorative phase of your treatment. It may be beneficial to perform a soft tissue graft to obtain stronger, more easily cleaned, naturally appearing gum tissue in the area around the implant. This process involves moving a small amount of gum tissue from one part of your mouth to the area around the implant. Most often, it is a brief and relatively comfortable procedure. Whether it’s one tooth or all your teeth being replaced, your dentist will complete the restoration by fitting the replacement tooth (crown) to the dental implant.

We aim to deliver world-class and affordable dental treatment with the best dental technologies and advanced equipment. At Alpha Plus Dental Center, we specialize in dental implants that look, feel, and function like natural teeth! Our goal is to give patients the confidence and ability back in their smiles! Contact our office at (617) 277-6969 to book an appointment if you need dental implants!

Start your journey to a happy and healthy smile today by consulting the best dental implant expert in Brookline, MA!